
Travel and Workouts; Mutually Exclusive or Nah?

One of the biggest struggles I have with traveling is keeping up with my workouts. If I’m not traveling with my kids, I’m trying to maximize every possible second of sleep that I can! Then, once I leave the hotel for the day, forget about coming back to do an evening workout. If my kids are with me, it’s even more unlikely that I will workout during the trip. 

If I fall off on my workout routine while I’m traveling, this will almost always be a setback when I get home. Now, my schedule is all thrown off and it’s harder to get back in the saddle. 

As much as I’d love to give up on working out and simply enjoy myself, I’ve had to force myself to find ways to get in quick, yet efficient workouts while traveling. 

Mini workouts

Here’s the thing. I’m not going to be cooped up in a hotel looking out the window at the beautiful city I’ve been dreaming about leading up to my trip. So I try to maximize my time with shorter versions of my usual workouts. 20-30 minutes goes a long way when you make the time count. 

Pack portable workout aids

It’s amazing what you can do with 2 simple items: a set of resistance bands and a jump rope. These two items can easily fit in a ziploc bag and barely take up space in your luggage. 

Local Workout Classes

This is a really fun way to immerse yourself in local culture and get in a good workout. If you’ve got the time, this is a fun experience. Byron and I took a class in Spanish in Mexico City and had so much fun. I’ve also taken group fitness classes offered at my hotel/resort. 


I don’t know about you, but when I travel I do a lot of walking. For me, when the weather permits, this is my preferred method of getting around. I’ve taken trips where I did a lot of walking and clocked over 25,000 steps a day. And the best part is it didn’t feel like exercise. 

As much as I’d like to break from working out while traveling, it’s really not an option. I force myself to workout to compensate for the additional calories I inevitably consume while traveling. I’ve found that curbing guilt with workouts helps me to enjoy my indulgences even more.

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